Thursday, April 29, 2010

A 'F' word

Don't you just love the way little kids talk? I might not understand them but it's sure cute. My little one, Brianne, is quite a talker as long as she is in her comfort zone; when she is outside of it, it's a different story.
Today, Jeff brought some burgers home for the kids and him to enjoy. I knew Jathan would be very excited because he LOVES rodeo cheeseburger for lunch, surprisingly Brianne was as excited as her brother, she rushed to the dinning table, climbed on her chair and said to daddy: "I'm ready for Booger! I'm ready for Booger!" Jeff gave her a burger, then she started eating.
Few minutes later, she said to Jeff, "F&%K, Daddy! F%#K, Daddy!" Jeff and I looked at each other and started laughing. Maybe I should make sure she doesn't say that in public, but it was just too cute to stop her. (Don't worry, we don't speak that kind of language in our home, only Cantonese and English. What she meant was a Fork.)

1 comment:

  1. I can so hear her say that! She's so cute:) Matt is still laughing hysterically!
