Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Father and Daughter Conversation Part II

Jeff: "Brianne, you are cute! Can I keep you?"
Brianne: "Yea...."
Jeff: "Forever? Can I keep you forever?"
Carmen: "Brianne, do you want a boyfriend?"
Brianne: "Yea! Boy fiend! Dada, boyfiend!"
Jeff: "How about a husband?"
Brianne: "No! Goo Haban!"
Jeff: "A good husband?"
Brianne: "No! GOO Haban!!"

For those who don't understand the language of toddler, what Brianne meant was "It's going to happen." She doesn't want a good husband, just a boy friend. Isn't it comforting for a father to hear that from his baby girl.

1 comment:

  1. Man, we missed her talking stage! She sounds so cute!
